This is probably the millionth blog on the web but I'll still give it a shot. This is where I will post bits and pieces about what I think is worth mentionning, day by day.This includes mostly movies, music, social issues, film, politics, random thoughts ... Enjoy Phil ;)

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Tori Tori Tori !

Tori Amos. Whenever I need inspiration, I turn to her. She's such a source of creativity. She's a musical genius ! Period.

You can't really classify her anywhere musically as she's spanned a lot of artistic avenues. My personal faves are her rock and electronic attempts on From the Choirgirl Hotel and To venus and Back. I truly shiver when I litsen to those records.

By the way, she's bliss live. She's currently touring Solo. I've seen one of her shows in boston and will go to the Montreal and Toronto Show later this summer.

I'd like to add that she's hot ! For those familiar with my rating scale, she has an 11/10.
PS: For those not familiar, you should know that redheads get an automatic 8/10 and then i add up points for beauty, charisma and sexyness ;)


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