This is probably the millionth blog on the web but I'll still give it a shot. This is where I will post bits and pieces about what I think is worth mentionning, day by day.This includes mostly movies, music, social issues, film, politics, random thoughts ... Enjoy Phil ;)

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Wilco, Welcome to my hall of fame

I went to a Wilco Concert yesterday. Truly one of today's great bands. A friend mentionned something about them being the american radioheads. I think it's the best way to describe their music. Their sound live is incredible. Check out these two cds from them : A ghost is born (latest) and Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (a highly-conroversed one)... After this concert, they entered my personal hall of fame after lingering at the door, waiting for acceptance into this tiny circle of artists hehe ;)


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