This is probably the millionth blog on the web but I'll still give it a shot. This is where I will post bits and pieces about what I think is worth mentionning, day by day.This includes mostly movies, music, social issues, film, politics, random thoughts ... Enjoy Phil ;)

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Back in town

Well, I'm back, ready for some more blogging around.

Since my last post, I graduated from Business school with a degree in Finance and Marketing. looked for a job, decided this wasn't my cup of tea and finally went back to my original aspirations. I am now in a film school, having the time of my life.

I'm actually in the middle of a production. I am shooting my first short in a week. Been preparing for 5 months (wow!). I'm getting the last week rush. It's really cool.

I've been on a bunch of shoots this month, gained valuable experience and built up my confidence level. Now I'm ready for my desastrous shoot ;)

I'll be posting updates about that, as well as the regular bits and pieces.

See ya'


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