This is probably the millionth blog on the web but I'll still give it a shot. This is where I will post bits and pieces about what I think is worth mentionning, day by day.This includes mostly movies, music, social issues, film, politics, random thoughts ... Enjoy Phil ;)

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Cars go wild

Cars (J. Lasseter, 2006)
I always anticipate the next Pixar animated release and rush to theatres when it comes out. I was on a streak of mild disappointments with the last two. Monster’s Inc. was funny but didn’t leave a lasting impression while The Incredibles was an amazing standalone film but not funny enough. With Cars, I think they hit the jackpot and go back to the times of Toy story (my personal favorite). This movie has such elegance and tact, even with its clichéd, overdone storyline about a man (a car here) learning about the value of friendship. But it the end it’s not really about the plot but rather about how it unravels so smoothly, so originally. The characters are just pure fun and are very well developed. The movie does what few do these days : it has a plain start and finish but, surprisingly, the middle part is amazing and gets better as the movie progresses. Technically, the film was beyond impressive. I have enormous respect for whoever is working on graphics in that company because the result is absolutely fantastic.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

how about a nacho libre review?

11:37 PM


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