This is probably the millionth blog on the web but I'll still give it a shot. This is where I will post bits and pieces about what I think is worth mentionning, day by day.This includes mostly movies, music, social issues, film, politics, random thoughts ... Enjoy Phil ;)

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

A little sunshine is not bad

Little Miss Sunshine (Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris- 2006 )

This is undoubtedly one of the best comedies I've seen in the last few years. It's so well written, so simple, even very touching at times. The cast is perfect, the jokes are all but corny (proving once again that comedy+studio money= disaster-- if you want funny, go indie !). Characters are so well rounded and make sense, eventhough they're all basically exagerations of themselves. You can feel a true family bond and genuine familiarity, even in the most cheesy or unbelievable situations. The movie does a great job of playing around with clichés and dismantling them (you'll see when I mean when you see this).

I cannot write a critic of that without mentionning Steve Carrell's surprising performance that shows range and restraint. He's very far from his 40-year-old virgin or Office roles, but doesn't do the typical actor-is-radically-different-in-indie-movie-thing. He actually uses the best of his comedic abilitiy and applies controlled restrain on it. I loved it.

On the technical side, the movie is very straighforward, cinematography is - as it should be- very secondary and plane, and the music is really appropriate and fits the mood perfectly. I recommend it heavily for anyone up for an uplifiting, smart and emotionally involving comedy.

Anyway, I recommend it heavily for anyone up for an uplifiting, smart and emotionally involving comedy. A truly great Film (4.7/5)


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